The Drugs Controller General of India has approved the manufacture and sale of a 14-valent Paediatric Pneumococcal Combination Vaccine developed by Biological E. Limited. The vaccine protects infants from Streptococcus...
Allergic reactions are caused by a variety of agents. Symptoms can include hives, rashes, and sneezing. Allergies are caused by dust, pollens, air pollutants and...
Exercise is essential if you want to reduce weight. Regular physical activity can also improve your mental health. Unfortunately, many people use lockdown as an excuse to avoid their...
Exercise and the subsequent muscular development can cause pain. This pain occurs around the area that you exercise. The bad pain can be an unexpected pain in another...
Many people complain of feeling nauseated during exercise. Some people may also experience lightheadedness or blurred vision. There is usually something wrong with the...